
Investment opportunity

Raidmed Value Proposition:

For [value based healthcare organisationswho [need to lower lifetime costs of diabetes],  the [Raidmed home foot monitoring solutionis a [diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) and amputation prevention tool] that [reduces lifetime costs of diabetes and improves patient outcomes].


Early intervention saves institutional healthcare costs and has better patient outcomes.


People living with diabetes monitor their feet so that lower limb amputations are avoided.

At Raidmed we have an ambitious strategy to bring our solutions to market. Funds are used to complete development to medical device standards, obtain regulatory approval and ensure clinical and patient investment in our solution. Remote Patient Monitoring, diabetes care, medtech and Digital Health are all growing segments which could provide impactful ROI to your funds.

1. Finance Prototype

Early prototypes will confirm operation, showcase capabilities and provide feedback and input into full product development.

2. Product Development

Development will be completed under digital and medical device regulations to ensure a robust, safe and effective solution.

3. Save costs and feet

The Raidmed solution will be introduced to the market through Key Opinion Leaders and thereafter become generally available.


15 years of medtech experience


Clinical strategy


Reimbursement identified


Full regulatory strategy

Make An Appointment to experience the full investor pitch

Whether actively raising, or between rounds we always welcome investment interest and beginning strong relationships.  

Become an investor

To grow an impactful Digital Health / Medtech company such as Raidmed takes significant investment. If you would like more information about our business plan and investment opportunities please complete this form.